life of an arkee!!!!
consider the following situations:
u haven't brushed for days....
u dont remember when u had ur last bath...
u cant recall what u had for breakfast ( if u had one )....
u dont know who won the indo-pak cric the previous day...
u haven't called home in days....
u haven't slept properly for days..
u spend more money on cigars than food a day...
if these things have happened to u then obviously u should be a student arkee.
welcome to the world of architecture, where the conditions are so bad at times that u r forced to call it : archi-torture
the above said situations are just a few in the many so called archi-symptoms,that surface at the time of an important submission. u work nite-out for days , hearing the same songs again and again from your system,borrowing stuff from pen,eraser....2 disposable glasses,match box etc from your friends.the work load is so heavy that at times u feel like leaving everything and going to some place far away where no one knows what architecture is. and while u r straining ur body to the maximum u see a majority of non arkees(b-tech's) wasting their time playing games,watching movies,arguing on completely nonsense subjects and like that.(blessed if u r not in a hostel)this is one instance where u wish ,u had some magical powers to take the time they are wasting and add to your precious time. even an addition of ten minutes can make a lot of difference. and what more,those non arkees wasting their time get jobs as soon as they reach the final year with starting salaries ten times more than ur starting salary.this thought only burdens ur already depressed morale. and not to mention the stupid and idiotic remarks they pass on u.
after many nite-outs u finally finish the stuff and submit it only to get it cut by the teachers with the most hated word of an arkee "repeat" written in bold letters somewhere in the sheet.we r yet to discover a name for the feeling that goes thru our mind at that time.i can only say that its really bad.
that is really a hell of life.
but..... just think
is there any other field where u can try anything within a defined boundary. can a doctor try something new on his patient? can an engineer try anything new on a machine? will a business man take risks to cherish his fantasies?. the answer is a defenite "no"
see falling waters,see the church of light,see ronchamp.these are all examples where arkees took their dreams to reality.
imagine sitting infront of a system for 60-70 hours a week doing the same kind of project work again and again.u r made to work so hard that u will be deprived of ur efficiency completely by the time u r in ur late 30's. this is the future life of a b-tech holder(of course there will be exceptions)
compare this to the future life of an arkee.u get different projects , u can try new stuff and have people under you to execute the work. u r better paid than a engineer once u r isn't it?
so, dont mind the work load u have now.just concentrate hard and work properly. time will come where u can sit back and relax. u give up now and its gone forever
Wow!!!!Joseph....u got it right...n more thn tht...u put it all down for ppl to actually read it...Man...i cant blive this...u have actually described each n evrything i have gone thru!Cool! Now i knw...wht ur actually doing...wen u say ur jus dreaming!Way to go dude...N keep it coming!
12:29 AM
do i agree wid u??oh yes i do A J,cent percent...all the useless projects v r dumped wid 2 be approved by a pretentious faculty who swears u don kno wat u r doin,all t furious tears,al t contemplation of throwin it away n running so u don hav to show ur face 2 those who gloat coz they have earned a place of honour in t faculty's mind while u bite t dust,t obscure future...its t same for every arkee....
al said n done,no one forced me to take t course,m here for my love of creativity(to c ur work errected remains every arkee's pentaltimate dream)so m here to stay n so r t rest of t arkees..... cheers to such a noble course!!
8:46 PM
goosh.... here i c the reality of an arkee... thanx to AJ for gettin it to lime light... hy do forward it to the faculty man!!! this not to screw u up man... but to let them know the reality that... wat the unity of the students is n wat our general opinion is for the hardship we face!!! may be it is for our future...A GOOD ONE infact...any ways man... keep the work on... and lets c wat the next blog has in store for the readers...
2:40 AM
i gues i cant comment much coz i'v jus tasted the life of an arkee the past yr......n i must say tho v had 2 spend a lotta sleepless nites even in r first year 2 make sure r submissions were on time......n the countless repeats v'd got 4 an exercise as 'simple' as LINES.....twas dreadfully frustratin then....but eventually as u guyz sed... its gonna b worth al te hardship.......n i'm glad i got myself in this field..........
12:04 AM
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